Table of Contents
Part 1: Energy
1. Energy Fundamentals
2. The History of Energy and Materials
Our First Tech
From Energy: Bricks, Glass and Cement
From Energy: The Bronze Age
From Energy: The Iron Age
3. Modern Energy
Wood: Energy for the Billions
Coal: Fossilized Peat, the Foundation of Industry
Oil: Valued for What It Is Able to Accomplish
Natural Gas: From Blue Flames, Blue Skies
Liquid Bio-fuel: Farmed Fuel
Alternatives to Combustion:
Hydro Power: It Is What It Says on the Tin
Nuclear Power: It Is What It Says on the Tin
Wind Power: Turbulence Ahead
Solar Power: Clean Tech, Toxic Regulations
Electrical Batteries: The Biggest Game Changer, and Not
Hydrogen: Future Fuel?
Conclusions in Respect of Modern Energy
Part 2: The Science of Carbon Dioxide in Upheaval
1. Preamble
2. New Science: More Carbon Dioxide is Fertilizing an Increase of 2.3% in the Green Area of the Earth Per Decade
3. New Science: More Carbon Dioxide is Fertilizing an Increase of 2.0% in the Forested Area of the Earth Per Decade
4. New Science: Carbon Dioxide Regulates the Amount of Life on Earth
5. The Global Warming Paradigm of the United Nations
6. New Science: The Water Cycle Rethought
Part 3: Energy and Carbon Dioxide in Context
1. Breathing Emits Carbon Dioxide
2. Atmospheric Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide
3. Additional Perspectives on Global Warming
4. Efficient Farming
Farming Is the Foundation of Human Civilization
Farmland Is Taken from Wilderness
Farming Is the Cornerstone of Prosperity
5. EU Energy Policy: Prolonging a Century of Agony
6. Oil & Lessons from Collapsed Civilizations
7. Carbon Markets: Fraud Markets
8. Game Changer: The End of Free Money
9. The Philosophical Basis of Net Zero
10. Elephants & Bison: Habitat Matters, Not Carbon Dioxide
11. Psychological Considerations
12. Wildfires: Misrepresented
13. Energy, War and Peace
14. Energy and the Role of Government
15. Has PR Gone Too Far?
16. Big Oil, Fighting the Energy Transition?
17. Perspectives on the UK
18. The Language of Green Energy
19. A Green Spiritual War